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NJ Guard Training Academy Inc. is the LARGEST SORA training private vocational school in New Jersey. We offer variety of SORA Training Classes every week. Our highly trained LAW ENFORCEMENT and SECURITY instructors are UNIQUE TO THE TRAINING INDUSTRY. Since we provide such quality training, our company is retained by more security agencies to perform their SORA training than any other. That only makes the certificates you earn through us more valuable when searching for employment. These relationships allow us to offer you the highest job referral rate. There’s a reason NJ Guard is THE trusted name in
As of 2007, SORA training is mandated for all contract security positions throughout New Jersey. SORA training is a 3 step process to be completed within a 30 day period. These steps currently include registration with the New Jersey State Police (NJSP), completion a 24 hour training program with a NJSP certified instructor, and fingerprint collection. Proper government issued identification is required for each step and though a credit card is not required, it is HIGHLY recommended.

The SORA training course includes, but is not limited to, the following subject matter:
- NJ Guard Training Academy Inc. Orientation
- NJ Attorney General’s Use of Force Policy
- Terrorism Awareness
- Cargo Theft
- Security Measures: Prevention and Deterrence
- New Jersey’s Critical Infrastructure Awareness
- Suspicious Letters and Packages
- Suicide Bombers and Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED’s)
- First Aid Awareness
- Incident Command System
- Ethics
- Report Writing
- Street Gangs
- Verbal Judo
Multiple SORA training classes, both Initial & Renewal, are typically offered each week. Please visit our SORA registration page for exact dates, times, and pricing.

- Must be at least 18 years of age
- Must posses a valid photo ID with valid expiration date, i.e. Drivers License, Passport, etc.
- Must register for and obtain a valid NJ State Police Issued Application ID Number. This Application ID Number is available via the New Jersey State Police website ( You must pay for the Application ID Number at the time of application with a Credit/Debit card.
- Must also be fingerprinted by the state licensed agency (IdentoGo by MorphoTrust). (Click here to view our training video “How to Schedule a Fingerprinting Appointment with IdentoGo”).
- Must successfully complete a NJ State Police Licensed SORA Training Class, which is the class you are applying for from NJ Guard Training Academy.
- The Application ID Number, issued by the NJ State Police, will expire 30-days from the date issued. You only have 30 days to complete the SORA Training Process, including your SORA Class & Fingerprinting. It is recommended that you schedule your class first, and then apply for the Application ID Number with the NJSP a few days before the actual class date. This will maximize the amount of time you have available to complete the other steps in the process.
- SORA has very strict guidelines when it comes to credentials and proof of identity:
A temporary Certificate of Registration as a security officer AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:
- A valid photo identification with a valid expiration date (an out of state Driver’s License is acceptable);
- An expired New Jersey photo drivers license in combination with a current non – photo license;
- US Passport or Alien Registration card with foreign passport;
- OR Photo ID issued by any Federal, State, or Municipal Government.
Once you are enrolled for an online course, you may check out this video for a brief how-to on accessing our classes remotely. How to Access
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