Frequently Asked Questions


SORA is a 3 step process:

Step One:        Select a certified Initial SORA Training Class

Step Two:        Register with the NJ State Police to receive a SORA Application ID Number

Step Three:     Schedule an appointment & get fingerprinted by IdentoGo by MorphoTrust


Step One:     Select a certified Initial SORA Training Class

A core function of the SORA process is the completion of a SORA Training class. We offer two-day Initial SORA Training classes, either Virtually (Over the Internet) or In-Person (in our South Plainfield location), at least once-a-week.  We also offer a Virtual Initial SORA Training Class on a weekend, once a month.  It is recommended that you select the dates you wish to take a class FIRST.  You may view our monthly class schedule calendar and/or register for a class

To attend a class, you will need two forms of US Government-Issued ID (one with a photo), and an Application ID Number issued by the NJ State Police (explained in Step Two).  Our system requires payment for the class, online with a credit/debit card, as part of the scheduling process.  It is possible to register for the class without a credit/debit card, but you will need to contact or office at 201-473-7045 to discuss how this can be done.

Once you register for a class, we will send you a confirmation email, within 24-hours of registration.  If you do not receive it, please call our office at 201-473-7045 and let us know. In the days prior to the class, you will also receive reminder emails, containing important information about the class.  It is at this time, we suggest that you complete the next step in the SORA Certification Process (Step TWO:  Register with the NJ State Police to receive a SORA Application ID Number)…

Step Two:     Register with the NJ State Police to receive a SORA Application ID Number

It is MANDATORY to register with the NJ State Police. You may register a You will not be able to attend class if you do not register with the NJ State Police. When you complete your registration with the NJ State Police you will receive a SORA Application ID Number.  We recommend taking a picture of the Application ID Number with your cell phone before you leave the NJ State Police Website.  You will need to send us proof of the Application ID Number for the class.

If you would prefer to not register yourself with the NJ State Police to receive the SORA Application ID Number, it is possible for NJ Guard Training Academy to do this registration on your behalf.  Please call our office at 201-473-7045 for additional information on this, or any other questions, or concerns, you may have.

Step Three:      Schedule an appointment & get fingerprinted by IdentoGo by MorphoTrust (Click Here to view a training video on How to Schedule Your Fingerprinting Appointment with IdentoGo, through the NJ State Police Website)

YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE YOUR FINGERPRINTS DONE TO ATTEND THE CLASS, however it is STRONGLY recommended that you make an appointment as soon as possible after completing your registration with the NJ State Police.  Depending on the fingerprinting location you choose,  you may be scheduling your appointment 2-3 weeks in advance of your actual appointment date.

To minimize the chance of errors in scheduling your fingerprinting,  it is recommended that you access the IdentoGo by MorphoTrust appointment scheduling system directly through the NJ State Police Website.  Log onto the NJ State Police website as a returning applicant.  Place your mouse pointer on the box that reads “Security Officer” and select the “My Applications Page” from the drop-down menu.  On the “My Applications Page” you can click on the link in the Fingerprinting Column to go directly to the IdentoGo by MorphoTrust website to schedule your fingerprinting.  Failure to follow these steps correctly can result in improper fingerprinting and forfeiture of your fingerprinting fee.

IdentoGo does not take payments over the Internet.  They require payment to be made in person, with a credit/debit card or money order, at the time of the appointment.  They do not accept cash or checks for fingerprinting services.  You MUST arrive on time for your appointment, with the form of ID you chose during your appointment scheduling.  This will be the only form of ID they will accept for your appointment.  If you do not show up on time, you may be turned away.

Please call our office at 201-473-7045 if you have any questions regarding the class, the steps in the SORA Certification Process, or for any additional information you might need.

In addition to SORA Training, we also provide quality services like firearm safety, security, and marksmanship training.  For questions on those services, please, click here!


As of November 1, 2023, the NJ State Police began issuing E-SORA Licenses & Approval Letters to all approved applicants in the SORA Training Process.  You must download your E-SORA License & Approval letter directly from the NJ State Police website ONCE approved.  (Click here to view our training video “How to Download Your E-SORA License & Approval Letter”)

(Unarmed SORA License - 2 years) ~ (Armed SORA License - 1 year)
Unfortunately some companies will hire people without a SORA license. The unknowing security officer will be fined $1,000 and could be barred from working security in the future. Some companies try to get around this by changing their title, however, the officer will still be held liable for the fine.
These companies often charge VERY high rates for their classes. Although you are not paying up front for the class, you are still paying. Some companies even offer the class for free if you are with them for a period of time. However, if you leave the job within that time, you are often required to pay for the training. Independent schools are much cheaper, often have better training and offer employment referrals.
Your registration information to our SORA training program is entered into our database. The class roster will be sent to the NJ State Police the day before the class. If you fail to attend this class, you will be responsible for the seat you have purchased and possibly a reassignment fee. If you are unable to attend the class, simply contact our office and advise us of the issue. We can assign you to another class at a later date. However, please understand that you have purchased a service and are responsible for the fee.
We do our best to keep our prices as low as possible. The cost of the Initial SORA Training class is higher as this is a two-day class, while the SORA Recertification Class is a one-day class.
If you fail to complete all three steps of the SORA process within 30 days, your Application ID Number issued by the NJ State Police will expire and the money you have paid will not be refunded. You will be eligible to re-register with the NJ State Police, at which time they will issue you another Application ID Number. But they will require you to repay their application fee in order to continue the application process. We suggest contacting NJ Guard, prior to reregistering with the NJ State Police, if this situation occurs. We will discuss your situation with you and assist you in determining what the proper course of action may be for your individual circumstances.
Maybe. Prior to October 1, 2024, If you receive a 30-Day Temporary Certificate issued by the Nj State Police, you can work as a security officer while you complete your three steps, if your employer permits you to. But only while the Temporary Certificate is valid. Some employers will allow you to work under the Temporary Certificate, some will not. Once the Temporary Certificate expires, you must cease work until you receive the actual E-SORA License. If you do not possess a valid Temporary Certificate issued by the NJ State Police, you are not permitted to work as a Security Officer in the State of NJ unless you possess a valid E-SORA license issued by the NJ State Police.
The time to complete each step depends greatly on you. The Registration with the NJ State Police is a 7 minute online process. The class is two full days and the fingerprints take about 2 minutes, it's more a matter of getting the appointment. Once you have completed all three steps; the NJ State Police should process your application within 10 business days.
As a part of the process for SORA certification, a background check will be conducted. Crimes involving moral turpitude, controlled substances and any 4th degree crime or greater will prohibit an individual from receiving SORA certification. NJ Guard Training Academy does not have the authority to clarify any information regarding this area or any individual’s background. Questions pertaining to criminal history and/or background checks can only be addressed by the NJ State Police. Kindly submit all inquiries to the following email address: [email protected]. Since the NJSP does not do refunds for ANY reason, if you have an issue in this area either contact the NJSP for guidance or play it safe and don’t apply for SORA.


As of November 1, 2023, the NJ State Police began issuing E-SORA Licenses & Approval Letters to all approved applicants in the SORA Training Process.  They no longer issue hard-plastic SORA Cards.  You must download your E-SORA License & Approval letter directly from the NJ State Police website ONCE approved.  (Click here to view our training video “How to Download Your E-SORA License & Approval Letter”)

All SORA security personnel can renew up to 90 days PRIOR to their expiration date. Renewing early will NOT affect or change your 2 year term. You must renew BEFORE your expiration date.
If you failed to register and complete the recertification process before your expiration date you must complete the original process over again. To see the original 3 step SORA training / SORA certification process click here.
To renew, you must log into your NJ State Police account Then, click on “Renewal Applicant” > “My Applications” > “Security Officer” > “Submit Renewal” YOU MUST HAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD ON HAND BEFORE YOU START THIS PROCESS. (For your protection, the website will log you out if you take too long on any page)
The cost is $78.75 to renew with the NJSP, PLUS the cost of the one day mandatory recertification class.
Yes, you must obtain a one day refresher course by a NJSP certified instructor PRIOR to your expiration date.
With your original process, the registration with the NJSP and the fingerprinting were two separate steps. With the renewal there is no need to get your fingerprints re-done; therefore, the processing of your background check and the renewal fee are blended together and therefore less than the original process of $75 + $66.